
Easter is the most important festival of the year, when Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The celebration is accompanied by special services over several days. Easter is preceded by the forty days of Lent, and the feast of Easter Day ends that fast.

These pages focus on a number of different aspects of Easter, as well as on Lent and Holy Week which lead up to the celebration. First and foremost we proclaim the good news of the risen Christ, and its relevance in today’s busy world. (Do you think you know what religion is about? Read what we have to say.) Secondly, we investigate the history of Easter, and its relationship to the Jewish passover. When is Easter celebrated and why is it different each year? Our Easter date calculator will tell you when Easter is celebrated in any year. Thirdly, we provide resources for worship and prayer throughout Lent and Eastertide, for both public and private use, with links to lots of other useful material. Fourthly, we have ideas for fasting and feasting, including recipes for Lent and Easter.

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Simon Kershaw <simon@oremus.org>
4 February 2004